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更新时间:2007/1/16 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论




  Directions: Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should

  1) describe the picture

  2) account for its implied meaning, and

  3) give your own comment

Going to University


  Learning Is an Honor

  As is indicated in the picture, an adolescent is telling [双宾语] his grandfather a good news - he can go to a state-class university with his University Admission Report, while his grandpa has also received his own Admission Report of the university for the elder. How exciting and encouraging it is!

  Look at this picture, we ponder the following implication: learning is an honor! Why so? In this day and age, knowledge of human beings is advancing at an unprecedented rate in a multitude of areas. Since the advent of the information era, education has been playing a pivotal role in individual development. We will not be abandoned by the society if we keep learning. For example, Li Zhengdao, a famous Chinese scientist, has kept learning. Then he got great success in the world. He is a real [名词包装] idol for all of Chinese youth[多用词组].

  It is evident now that history witnesses learning as a matter of the first importance[头等大事]. As long as we live and learn, we will be a winner in this competitive globe. Let's work hard to learn from now on. This is the honor in one's all life![用状语词组加重语气]

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