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您现在的位置: 医学全在线 > 医学考研 > 公共基础 > 英语复习 > 正文:2012考研英语中间段写作高分模板:转折句型


更新时间:2011/12/17 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论


  It goes without saying that advertisement has brought our life color, convenience, comfort, or any enjoyment undreamed of, but it is also worthwhile to point out that some advertisements have gone too far in this direction.

  But some other people become indulged in the games. They play from dawn to dusk, live in the unreal world, and give up all but everything. They are too stupid to make it clear that the real life is the most important.

  We used to write down our daily feelings and personal things on papers, which is called diaries. These are personal world full of our secrets. Today, however, some people prefer internet blogs to diaries.

  Nevertheless, there are other factors to be taken into consideration / account.

  Good as … is, it has its own disadvantages, too.

  It is partly right to say that… but we should not neglect that fact that…

  However, the advantages of … outweigh any benefit we gain from …

  It is true that… but this is not to say…

  Given the fact that…, it by no means indicates that …

  On the contrary…

  In contrast…


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