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更新时间:2011/12/27 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论



  In the above picture a yong man who participated in running race has reached his destination.On careful observation we can see two direction signs on the road,one followed by another promptly,stands for repectively the ending and the begining.At the bottom of the picture,a sentence stands there prominent,which can be briefly interpreted by this way:destination is just a new beginning.Furthermore we can see the expression in the young man`s face looks pretty happy.A tremendously instructive the piture is and it is not difficult to deduce that what the cartoonist intends to convey us is extremely obvious:correct the attitude towards the relation bewteen the ending and the beginning.

  Nowadays,there is an emerging tendency is that many people always show impatience when they achieved their goal.Many of them even are under the impression that as long as they achieve the goal which they are fascinated with, they could boast about it once for all.Some experts studyed in social phenomenon,however,suggested that these people failed to cope with the relationship bewteen the ending and the beginning well.Unfortunately,this uncorrect attitude will exert a dramatically vicious bearing on our behavior which may in turn hamper our achieving a further goal.While,peole who take the ending as a new beginning seem to always achieve the final goal.

  In my opinion,I reckon that we should correct attitude towards the relationship between the ending and the beginning first.We should consider the ending as a brand-new beginning and always set a new goal then pursuit it.From this we can make continuous progresses.


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