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更新时间:2012/12/12 医学考研论坛 在线题库 评论



What accounts for the great outburst of major inventions in early America -- breakthroughs such as the telegraph, the steamboat a nd the weaving machine?

Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; a nd above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological. (1996)

1.According to the author, the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large part due to ________. [A] elementary schools [B] enthusiastic workers

[C] the attractive premium system [D] a special way of thinking

The researchers studied the behaviour of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good-natured, cooperative creatures, a nd they share their food tardily. Above all  www.med126.com, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males. (2005)

2.Female capuchin monkeys were chosen for the research most probably because they are ________.

[A] more inclined to weigh what they get

[B] attentive to researchers’ instructions

[C] nice in both appearance and temperament

[D] more generous than their male companions

这两道题共同的特点就是题干中都有一个表示程度的限定词,第一道题中的限定词是in large part,第二道题中的限定词是most。这两个词语的出现本身就有一重暗示,选项中应该有不止一个原因,但是这道题目要求回答出其中最重要的。第一道题会原文定位可以发现定位句“I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors; a nd above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological.”中含有四个并列成分1 excellent elementary schools;2a labor force;3the practice of giving premiums to inventors;4 the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological.

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