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您现在的位置: 医学全在线 > 精品课程 > 内科学 > 河北医科大学 > 正文:内科学教案:Overview of Anemia

内科学-教案:Overview of Anemia

内科学:教案 Overview of Anemia:河北医科大学教案首页教研室 InternalMedicine 教师姓名: 课程名称 授课专业和班级 001 授课内容 Overview of Anemia 授课学时 2 hours 教学目的 To master the concept, etio


教研室  InternalMedicine   教师姓名: 







Overview of Anemia


2 hours


To master the concept, etiology and diagnosis of Anemia

To well know the mechanism, classificatwww.med126.comion and treatment of Anemia

To become familiar with the Symptoms Of Anemia


To emphosize the concept and degree of Anemia, especially that Anemia is not a disease, but just a symptom.

To explain Why Does Anemia Occur or What Causes Anemia?


Classificationof anemia; Mechanism of Anemia;Diagnosis of Anemia


To Make PowerPoint slides for all of this lecture

To make some copies of blood and bone marrow smear showing different kinds of Anemia

To show some results of blood routin examination on “Project”


To teach by Chinese and English; To show some typical cases; Let students answer teacher’s questions in the class; To make a brife review of this lecture before it is over.







1. Review the composing of Blood forming system: organs and cells (5’)

2. Show the normal range of hemoglobin, Red Blood cell (RBC) count and hemoglobin for adults, then the concept of Anemia (20’)

3. Show the classification of anemia: morphology and Mechanism (25’)

4. Show the Symptoms of Anemia with emphosizing that symptoms can be influenced by the degree of anemia, acute or chronic anemia, patient’s general conditions (20’)

5. Show the Diagnosing Steps: Is the patient anemic? The degree of anemia?  Subtypes of anemia? Mechanism of anemia (by asking the case history, phisycal exam, blood routine exam, blood smear, bone marrow smear and other examinations). (15’)

6. Show the principle of anemia treatment. Treatment of ariginal disease, Special medicine, splenectomy, HSCT. Traditional Chinese medicine (10’)

7. Giving several cases, making a disccussion with students, then a conclussion. (5’)



1.   邓家栋主编《临床血液学》

2.   血液病现代诊断与治疗


1 Repeat the concewww.med126.com/hushi/pt and degree of Anemia, emphosize that Anemia is not a disease, but just a symptom.

2. The classification, degree, diagnosis and treatment of Anemia


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