热 门:外科内科学妇产科儿科眼科耳鼻咽喉皮肤性病学骨科学全科医学医学免疫学生理学病理学诊断学急诊医学传染病学医学影像药 学:药理学药物化学药物分析药物毒理学生物技术制药生药学中药学药用植物学方剂学卫生毒理学检 验:理化检验 临床检验基础护 理:外科护理妇产科护理儿科护理 社区护理五官护理护理学内科护理护理管理学中 医:中医基础理论中医学针灸学刺法灸法学口 腔:口腔内科口腔外科口腔正畸口腔修复口腔组织病理生物化学:生物化学细胞生物学病原生物学医学生物学分析化学医用化学其 它:人体解剖学卫生统计学人体寄生虫学仪器分析健康评估流行病学临床麻醉学社会心理学康复医学法医学核医学危重病学中国医史学
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医学英语-授课教案:unit 3

医学英语:授课教案 unit 3:河北医科大学教案首页教研室:医学英语教研室教师名称: 课程名称 医学英语 授课专业和班级 05级 授课内容 Unit Three History of Medicine 授课学时 4 教学目的 To know more about the topic and the related i


教研室:医学英语教研室  教师名称:






Unit Three   History of Medicine




To know more about the topic and the related information


Understanding the whole lesson by explaining main language points and key grammatical structures


Understanding and translating the difficult sentences correctly by medical knowledge


Blackboard, chalk, teaching material and computer


Active way to make students to think and discuss by the combined application of traditional teaching method and creative thinking method

1.  Lead In

2.  Background Knowledge

3.  Analysis of the text

4.  Discussion / Question

5.  Summary

6.   Assignment



The main content covered under the topic and the related medical cultural information


1.   The students’ speaking and reading abilities are to be improved.

2.   More class activities are to be organized.

3.   Up-to-date information is to be provided to enlarge their knowledge.


Unit 3 History of Medicine


Part IIntroductory remarks

First , look at a  poem. (Page 79 )

“Doctor, I have an ear ache.”

2000 B.C. – “Here , eat this root.”

1000 B.C. - "That root is heathen, say this prayer." 
1850 A.D. - "That prayer is superstition, drink this potion." 
1940 A.D. - "That potion is snake oil, swallow this pill." 
1985 A.D. - "That pill is ineffective, take this antibiotic." 
2000 A.D. - "That antibiotic is artificial. Here, eat this root!"  

Questions: What have you got from the poem ?

Teacher’s words:www.med126.com/yishi/The poem humorously tells about the history of medicine. Talking of  history of medicine, people usually meanwestern medicine. And what you are learning are mainly western medicine. But inmy opinion, and also from this poem, we can see that Chinese medicine reallycontributes a lot to the development of medicine. Therefore, when learninghistory of medicine, you’d better learn about not only history of westernmedicine , but also that of traditional Chinese medicine. After we have learnedthis unit “History of Medicine” , I hope that you’d try to look for moreinformation about traditional Chinese medicine.

Part IIInformation related to the text

1. the Black Death : theillness that killed large numbers of people in Europe and Asia in the 14thcentury .A form of bubonic plague, caused by the bacillus Yersinia  (or   Pasturella )  pestis,  that was pandemic throughout Europe andmuch of Asia in the 14th century. 黑死病(源自患病者的黑斑点):淋巴腺鼠疫的一种形式,由杆菌耶尔森氏菌 (或Pasturella  )瘟疫 引起,14世纪在欧洲和亚洲大部分大面积传染 Whenhistorians refer to "The Black Death," they mean the specificoutbreak of plague that took place in Europe in the mid-14th c执业药师entury. The BlackDeath came to Europe in October of 1347, spread swiftly through most of Europeby the end of 1349 and on to Scandinavia and Russia in the 1350s. Itreturned several times throughout the rest of the century.

Traditionally,the disease that most scholars believe struck Europewas "Plague." Best known as bubonic (腹股沟腺炎)plague for the "buboes" (lumps) that formed on the victims" bodies,Plague also took pneumonic and septicemic(败血症)forms.

2. . dengue fever: An acute,infectious tropical disease caused by an arbovirus (蚊虫等节肢动物病毒)  transmitted by mosquitoes, and characterizedby high fever, rash(皮疹), headache, and severe muscle and joint pain. Alsocalled breakbone fever, dandy fever, dengue fever  登革热:因由蚊虫传播的登革热病毒引起的一种急性传染性的热带疾病,其典型症状是发高烧、急躁、头痛以及剧烈的肌肉和关节疼痛。

Part III .Keywords


1) pleasingto the senses, especially in a subtle way ; exquisitely fine精美的;雅致的:

---a delicate flavor;  精美的口味


2) frailin constitution or health体弱的,羸弱的

3)requiringtactful treatment:微妙的,棘手的:

---adelicate situation.微妙的局势

4) ine orsoft in touch or skill:细腻的:触摸或技巧柔和的:

--- asurgeon"s delicate touch.外科医生轻柔的触摸


1) togive up and surrender放弃并投降:

--- laiddown their arms.缴械投降

2) tospecify:规定:

---laiddown the rules制定法规

3) Tostore for the future.储备:为将来储备


   pharmaco-构词成分 :药,药学

   pharmacodiagnosis 药物诊断  pharmacologist  药理学家 

pharmacotherapeutics 药物治疗学 pharmacotherapy 药物疗法

phar: abbr 药学(全pharmacy ), 药的 (全 pharmaceutical)

Phar B 药学学士      PharC  药剂师    

Phar D药学博士  PharG 药学毕业生  Phar M 药学硕士


rhino- 鼻

rhinologist 鼻科学家rhinology 鼻科学

English rhinoplasty 英式鼻整形术(颊部皮瓣性鼻成形术)

Indian rhinoplasty  印度式鼻整形术(额部皮瓣性鼻成形术)


1) an impelling force; 推动力; 2) a stimulus激励物;刺激物

3) increased activity in response to a stimulus动力

--- The approaching deadline gave impetus to the investigation.即将到来的最后期限推动了谈判

比较 :impede v. 阻止,妨碍

--- Storms at sea   impeded  our  progress.


   dissect :

1)  to cut up the body of a dead animal orperson in order to study it

2)  to examine something carefully in orderto understand it:

---books in which the lives offamous people are dissected

3)  to divide an area of land into severalsmaller pieces:

--- fields dissected by smallstreams

dissection n.


   revere : [transitive usuallypassive] torespect and admire someone or something very much

--- be revered as something

---He is revered as a nationalhero.

--- Most of us revere the Bible,but few of us read it regularly.

Severe: severe problems, injuries,illnesses etc are very bad or very serious:

---His injuries were quite severe.

---She"s suffering from severedepression.

----The US faces severe economic problems.

---The storm caused severe damage.

[扩] severe pain

Severe penalties will be imposed for latepayment.

The organization hasbeen the subject of severe criticismfor the way ittreated its staff.

Culminate:vt.  vi.

  1)Toreach the highest point or degree; climax:达到高潮:到达最高点或程度

--- habitual antagonism thatculminated in open hostility.


2)Tocome to completion; end:到达终点;告终:

--- Years of waiting culminated ina tearful reunion.多年的等待最终以含泪团聚而结局

  3) To bring to the point of greatestintensity or to completion; climax:使到达高潮:

--- The ceremony culminated a longweek of preparation.



   n. 学会,学院, 协会  vt. 创立,开始, 制定,开始(调查),提起(诉讼)

   a cancer research institute. 癌症研究学会

v. to introduce or start a system, rule,legal process

--- Marchand wants to institutereforms by the end of the year.

Immunize:to protect someone from a particular illness by giving them a vaccine [= vaccinate,inoculate]

immunize somebody against something

--- Thereis still no vaccine to immunize people against the virus.

—immunization  n.

immunology 免疫学 immunity 免疫性immunologist 免疫学家


  disinfect: to clean something with achemical that destroys bacteria:

--- Firstuse some iodine (碘酒) to disinfect the wound.

--- Disinfectthe area thoroughly.

 dis- 分离,二

 disacidify  脱酸,去酸  disallergization脱敏    disaccharose二糖


obstetrics : the part of medical science thatdeals with the birth of children 产科学

obstetrician  产科医师

Part IV  Difficult sentences

1. The Mosaic Code of the Hebrewsindicated concerns with social hygiene andprevention of disease by dietary restrictions and sanitary measures. (line14-15 )


2. In addition, accurate location ofthe proper points for the traditional Chinese practice of acupuncture impliessome familiarity with the nervous and vascular system.  (line 20-22)


3. With the destruction or neglect ofthe Roman sanitary facilities, there followed a series of local epidemics thatculminated many centuries later in the great plague of the 14thcentury known as the Black Death.   (line 45-48 )

随着罗马卫生设施毁坏或荒废,地球上爆发了一系列的地方性瘟疫。这些瘟疫经过许多世纪的发展,与公元14世纪达到顶峰,形成了大瘟疫--- 黑死病。

4. Further progress has beencharacterized by ……and the role of vitamins in health.  (line 85-91)


PartV. Assignment

1. Let the students practice to read the text as fluently as possible anddo the exercises in the textbook.

2. Ss get three long sentences and try to analyze them by means of theskills they have learnt.

3. Let Ss hand in a summary of the text.

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