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医学英语-授课教案:unit 10

医学英语:授课教案 unit 10:河北医科大学教案首页教研室:医学英语教研室教师名称: 课程名称 医学英语 授课专业和班级 05 级 授课内容 Unit Ten The killer disease doctors miss 授课学时 4 教学目的 To get to know harmfulness of osteoww


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05 级


Unit Ten  The killer disease doctors miss




To get to know harmfulness of osteowww.med126.com/rencai/porosis and be familiar with the measures to treat and prevent it.


The relationship between the four parts of the text and try to know in detail about how to prevent osteoporosis


How to translate some difficult sentences like “Think of your bones as a retirement fund.”, etc.


PPT and traditional methods


Analyzing the text and ask students to have a discussion on the disease

I. Lead in activities (10 min.)

Who will suffer osteoporosis? is osteoporosis just your grandmother’s health threat?

II. Background knowledge (10 min.)

Osteoporosis is not in the headline of the newspaper, so people pay little attention to the effect of the disease. It is fatal and serious and even doctors will ignore it.

III.  Analysis of the text (50 min.)

1. Skim and scanning the text to make judgment.

2. Language points.

3. Translation of difficult sentences.

4. How to deal with medical journal is a practical skill.

IV. Discussion (10 min.)

Do you know how much calcium and vitamin D should we take in?

V. Summary (15min.)

1. Everyone may suffer from osteoporosis; no matter he is young or old.

2. We can avoid and prevent osteoporosis by taking in enough calcium, vitamin D and exercise.

VI. Assignment (5 min.)

Tell your partner how to prevent osteoporosis.



   The symptoms and harms of osteoporosis


Try to understand articles from English journals and students can benefit from reading such kind of articles. Osteoporosis is closely watched by students. 


Unit 10  Text A,  The killer disease doctors miss



1. Which group of people are morelikely to develop osteoporosis? Why ?

2. What causes osteoporosis?

3. How to prevent osteoporosis? Andhow to treat it?


II.Focal words and expressions

1. concern

Vt.   (1) be thebusiness of (sb.)

Don’tinterfere in what does not ~ you.


(2)be about

areport that ~s drug abuse


(3)be busy with sth.

There’sno need to ~ yourself with this matter; we’re dealing with it.


(4)worry, bother, trouble

Ourlosses begin to ~ me.


N.   (1) Un. Worry

There’sno need for ~. 不必发愁。

(2)Cn. Cause of anxiety

Ourmain ~ is that they are not receiving enough help.


(3)Cn. thing interesting or important to sb.

Whatare your main concerns as a writer?


Phrases: (1) be ~ed about/for sth./sb.: beworried about

We are all ~ed about her safety.

(2) be ~ed with: be about

Her latest documentary is ~ed with youthunemployment.


(3) as far as sb./sth. is ~ed

2. manifest: (1) show clearly, demonstrate

~the truth of a statement 证明某说法属实

(2) ~itself/ themselves: show itself/themselves, appear

The symptoms ~ed themselves ten days later.

(3) a. clear and obvious

The ~ truth, lie, difference 明显的事实,谎言,不同

3.Riddle: N. (1) puzzling question

Ask sb. a ~ 出个谜语叫人猜

(2) puzzling person, thing, event

She is a complete ~, even to her parents. 她是个很难了解的人,连她父母都无法了解她。

(3) coarse sieve for earth ,gravel, cinders粗筛

V. ~ sb. with sth.: make many holes in sth

The roof was ~d with bullet holes. 房顶满是子弹打的窟窿。

4.Menace: N. (1)threatening quality, tone, or feeling

The film created an atmosphere of ~. 电影营造了种恐怖气氛。

(2) person or thing that threatens

These weapons are a ~ to world peace. 这些武器就是对世界和平的威胁。

Vt. Threaten, endanger

Your vicious dog is ~ing my cat. 你那条恶狗对我家的太凶了。

5. strike: (1) (of disease, disaster etc.)afflict (sb./sth.) 侵袭,折磨

The area was struck by an outbreak ofcholera. 该地区突然出现了霍乱

(2) attack suddenly 袭击

Enemy troops struck just before dawn. 敌人在拂晓前发起了进攻。

6. embrace: (1) hug

They ~d each other warmly.

(2) accept or take (an idea) willingly

 ~ an offer, opportunity 欣然接受提议,把握机遇

(3) include

The term “mankind” ~s men, women, andchildren.

7. do the trick: do the job, function

This extra strong glue will do the jobnicely.这种超强度胶应该管用。

8.Dwindle: become gradually less or smaller

Their savings have ~d (away) to nothing. 他们的存款已减少到分文不剩了。

9.Recipe: (1) set of instructions for preparing a food dish, includingthe ingredients required. 食谱,烹饪法

~ books, ~ cards

(2) method of achieving sth

What’s your ~ for success? 你取得成功有什么诀窍?

10.Appeal: N. (1) earnest request: 呼吁,恳求

A charity ~ 慈善捐款呼吁

(2)interest, attractiveness

Does jazz hold any ~ for you?


(3) act of appealing 上诉

An appeal court 上诉法庭

Lodge an appeal 提出上诉

Vi. (1) make an earnest request: 呼吁

The police ~ed to the crowd not to panic. 警察向群众呼吁不要惊慌。

(2) be attractive or interesting to sb.

Do these paintings ~ to you? 你对这些画感兴趣吗?

(3) take a question to a higher court 上诉

She ~ed to the higher court against hersentence. 她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。

11. undo: untie, unfasten, open unload, unpack, undress

I can’t ~ my laces.

What is done can’t be undone.

12. challenge: N. (1) invitation or call totake part in a game, contest, fight 挑战

Iss医学全.在线ue/ accept /answer a ~ 发出/迎接挑战

(2) statement or action which questions ordisputes (sth) 质问,怀疑

A serious ~ to the Prime Minister’sauthority 对首相的权威性郑重提出的异议

(3) difficult, demanding or stimulatingtask 艰巨的任务

Vt. (1) invite sb to do sth

~ sb to a duel  决斗

(2) dispute

~ a claim, an assertion, a verdict 对某要求、主张、判决提出质疑

13. strategy N. (1) 战略

Skilled in ~ 善于制定战略

(2) (skill in ) planning or managing anyaffair well c策略、计划

By careful strategy she negotiated a substantialpay rise. 她精心策划后,谈妥了大幅度增加工资的事。

(3) plan or policy designed for aparticular purpose 措施、对策

Economic ~ 经济政策


Osteoporosisis threatening the people of all ages. So we must take some actions to fightagainst it, e.g., doing exercises and taking calcium supplement. Meanwhile, weshould take Vitamin D to help calcium absorption. In addition, exercises aresignificantly important in boning up.

IV.Background knowledge



1. 临床表现以疼痛最为常见:多为腰背酸疼,其次为肩背、颈部或腕踝部,可因坐位、立位、卧位或翻身时疼痛,时好时坏。
2. 骨骼变形:脊柱骨变形,弯腰、驼背、身材变矮。
3. 骨折:常见骨折部位是脊椎骨(压缩性、楔型)、腕部(桡骨头)和髋骨(股骨颈)。



骨骼健康 Bone Health

Osteoporosis is nowrecognized as a world-wide health problem.  In fact, 1.4 million Canadianssuffer from osteoporosis. It affects one in four women over 50 and one in eightmen of the same age.  In addition, 70% of hip fractures areosteoporosis-related, resulting in death in up to 20% of the cases, anddisability in half of those who survive.*


A 3-tablet servingof Nutrilite® Cal Mag D provides the calcium equivalent of 20 ounces of milk,as well as magnesium to help regulate calcium levels. It also provides vitaminC to promote collagen formation for bone strength, Copper to help produce redblood cells and connective tissue and Zinc to help the body metabolizeproteins, fats and carbohydrates


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