主症 产时少腹阵痛微弱,坠胀不甚,或下血量多色谈,久产不下,面色苍白,精神倦怠,心悸气短,舌淡,脉虚弱。
Main Manifestations Dull labor pain in the lower abdomen, forceless dragging down and bulging sensation, large amount of light red heamorrhage, arrested labor process, pallor, lassitude, palpitation, shortness of breath, pale tongue, and weak pulse. |
主症 腰腹剧痛,下血量少,色黯色,久产不下,面色青黯,精神抑郁,胸脘胀满,时欲呕恶,舌质黯红,脉沉实。
Main Manifestations Severe Pain in the abdomen extending to the lower back, slight amount of dark red heamorrhage, retarded labor process, dark-purplish complexion, mental depression, distention and fullness in the epigastrium and chest, nausea, vomiting, dark red tongue and deep, forcefull pulse. |
治法 取足太阴,手阳明经穴为主。毫针刺,虚者用补法,实者用泻法。
Treatment The points of Spleen and Large Intestine Meridians are prescribed as primary points. Reinorcing technique is employed to the deficiency and reducing technique for the excess.医学全在.线提供 |
处方 合谷 三阴交 至阴 独阴
Prescription Hegu (LI 4), Sanyinjiao (SP 6), Zhiyin (BL 67) and Duyin (EX-LE 11).
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随证配穴 气血虚弱配足三里,复溜;
Additional Points Deficiency of Qi and blood: Zusanli (ST 36) and Fuliu (KI 7) |