主症 阴道骤然大量下血,或淋漓日久,血色深红,烦躁不寐,头晕,舌质红苔黄,脉数。
Main Manifestations Sudden excessive vaginal bleeding or persistent dripping of blood, deep red in color, associated with irritability, insomnia, dizziness, red tongue with yellow coating and rapid pulse. |
主症 骤然血崩,下血甚多,或淋漓不绝,色淡红,质清稀,身体倦怠,气短懒言,不思饮食,舌质淡,脉细弱。
Main Manifestations Sudden bursting of blood in massive quantity, or continuous slight bleeding which are light red, thin lassitude, sluggish limbs shortness of breath reluctance to speak, anorexia, pale tongue and thready weak pulse.医学全在线网站www.med126.com |
治法 取任脉、足太阳经穴为主。实热证毫针刺,泻法,不灸;虚寒证毫针刺,补法,多灸。
Treatment Points of Conception Vessel and Spleen Meridian are prescribed as primary points reducing technique is used for excessive heat syndrome and moxibustion is inapplicable. Reinforcing technique and heavy dosage of moxibustion are applied to the deficient cold syndrome.
处方 关元 三阴交 隐白
Prescription Guanyuan(CV 4), Sanyinjian(SP 6) and Yinbai(SP 1).
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随证配穴 实热者加血海,水泉;
Additional Points Excessive heat: Xuehai (SP 10) and Shuiquan (KI 5).