1. 能量代谢 (energy metabolism) 2. 食物的热价 (thermal equivalent of food) 3. 呼吸商 (respiratory quotient, RQ) 4. 氧热价(thermal equivalent of oxygen ) 5. 食物特殊动力效应 (specific dynamic effect of food) 6. 体温( body temperatur执业兽医e) 7. 战栗产热( shivering thermogenesis) 8. 辐射散热( thermal radiation) 9. 对流散热( thermal convection 10. 蒸发散热( evaporation) 11. 对流散热(thermal convecton) 12. 基础代谢率(www.med126.com/yaoshi/ basal metabolism rate, BMR) 13. 基础代谢( basal metabolism ) |