主症 头痛时作,遇风则发,痛连项背,痛势剧烈,如锥如刺,痛有定处,甚则头皮肿起,脉弦,舌苔薄白。本病亦名头风。
Headache occurs on exposure to wind. The pain may extend to the nape and back. It is a violent, boring and fixed pain, string-taut pulse, white, thin tongue coating. The type is also called "head wind". |
主症 头痛目眩,以头之两侧为重,烦躁易怒,心烦失眠,面赤口苦,脉弦,舌质红苔黄。
Headache, vertigo, severe pain on bilateral sides of the head, irritability, hot temper, insomnia, red face, bitter taste in the mouth, string-taut pulse, red tongue with yellow coating. |
Lingering headahce, dizziness, vertigo, lassitude, lustreless face, pain relieved by warmth and aggravated by cold, overstrain or mental stress, weak, thready pulse, thin, white tongue coating. |
治法 头痛一症,虽有风邪袭络,肝阳上亢,气血不足等各种原因引起,而针灸临床则以分经辩证为主,在分经的基础上,采取循经取穴加局部取穴。
Headache can be caused by invasion of pathogenic wind in meridians, hyperactivity of liver-Yang and insufficiency of Qi and blood. The points are selected in the local area or based on the distributions of the meridians involved.
处方 百会 风池 太阳
Prescription Baihui (GV 20), Fengchi (GB 20), Taiyang (EX-HN 5)
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随证配穴 前额痛(阳明头痛):阳白、印堂、攒竹、合谷、内廷;
Additional Points Frontal Headache (Yangming Headache): Yangbai (GB 14), Yintang (EX-HN 3), Cuanzhu (BL 1), Hegu (LI 4) and Neiting (ST 44).医学全.在线网.站.提供 |